Energy Psychology Starter Package - Professional Upgrade

$73.95 $50.00

Includes the Energy Psychology Interactive Companion Book, Self-Help Guide, and CD-ROM

Already own the Energy Psychology Starter Package?
Buy this upgrade to get the additional materials to equal the Energy Psychology Professional Package!

Package Contents

EPI Companion Book

This book is designed to teach psychotherapists and other health care professionals how to incorporate the methods of Energy Psychology into their practices.
It includes text, illustrations, video clips, tables, charts, clinical aids, client handouts, practice sessions, and dozens of hyper-links to relevant web topics as well as to numerous guides and essays within the CD.

Get this convenient, user-friendly course to:

  • Master the basic methods of Energy Psychology through a clear, award-winning, interactive instructional program.
  • Increase your clinical effectiveness. Learn non-invasive procedures to reliably attain targeted clinical and neurological outcomes.
  • Discover why growing numbers of therapists are incorporating Energy Psychology methods. Examine promising early clinical and research support along with a coherent neurological explanation of the effects of energy interventions.
  • Learn from an internationally acclaimed training program developed in consultation with a 26-member Advisory Board of the pioneers and recognized leaders in this field. Winner ACEP "Outstanding Contribution Award."
  • Enjoy an interactive experience that seamlessly combines text, illustrations, video clips, tables, charts, clinical aids, client handouts, practice sessions, a question-and-answer format, and many fascinating links.

EPI Self Help Guide

The Energy Psychology Interactive Self-Help Guide was written for therapists to give to their clients for back-home practice of what they are learning during their therapy sessions. Because it so nicely synthesizes many of the basic principles of Energy Psychology into a simple, practical guide, it quickly became one of our most popular products. We now recommend the Promise of Energy Psychology, which was written after the Self-Help Guide and contains all the info in the Guide, plus so much more, as the starting place for most people. However, the Self-Help Guide is still an excellent "just-the-basics" primer and it is also offered as our first e-book.

The Energy Psychology Interactive Self-Help Guide:

  • Is a self-help manual for individuals, plus a resource for therapists to give to their clients.
  • Teaches you the basic steps for addressing specific problems and goals, for uplifting your mood, and for optimizing your energies.
  • Is a friendly, streamlined, 83-page book, providing simple, easy to follow instructions.
  • Has 22 clear illustrations on how to self-apply the technique.
  • Provides links and resources to energy-oriented psychotherapists, video programs, Internet support sites, newsletters and e-groups, and non-profit organizations concerned with Energy Psychology.

This award winning, 40-hour interactive training program is the basic "text" used in the Professional Certification Program of the ACEP. Professionals should still begin with a mastery of the basics presented in The Promise of Energy Pyschology.

This CD-ROM program cotains 9 basic moduels and 8 supplementary lessons, organized in engagin, interactive, scoratic question-and-answer format.

Home Study Available

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