by David Feinstein, Ph.D. & Elliott Mayo, M.S.W.
If you are called upon to recommend a SINGLE book to an individual or family facing death or grief, THIS IS THE BOOK.
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, M.D.
The fact that we are mortal and know that we are mortal distinguishes us from all other creatures and is the source of our greatest philosophy, our most profound literature, and our most human longings and motivation. To delve deeply into these issues with eyes open and good guidance changes your consciousness forever. It addresses the underlying existential anxiety felt by all people, and it helps us appreciate the sweetness of every breath.
Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., from the Foreword
How We Can Turn Loss & the Fear of Death into an Affirmation of Life
Rituals for Living & Dying Contents:
- Part I: Rituals for Living and Dying One Family's Experience
- Part II: Cultivating an Empowering Mythology for Confronting Death
- Part III: The Alchemy of Transmuting Grief to Creativity
The Authors

David Feinsten, Ph.D.
David Feinstein, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist who has worked extensively with individuals facing life-threatening illnesses, lives in Ashland, Oregon. He is in wide demand as a lecturer and workshop leader who focuses on cultivating relevant, contemporary ritual and myth.

Peg Elliott Mayo, M.S.W.
Peg Elliott Mayo, M.S.W., is a clinical social worker, writer, workshop leader, and storyteller, living in the rugged Coast Range Mountains of Oregon. Her psychotherapy combines a Jungian perspective, Gestalt immediacy, body awareness, and the power of ritual.
Jeanne Achterberg, Ph.D.
Ram Dass