Energy Medicine for Women (Streaming Video or DVD)


A companion to the book Energy Medicine for Women or an independent program to optimize your health

with Donna Eden

In this video, Donna Eden focuses on women's issues, energy techniques for regulating hormones, enhancing sexuality and fertility, easing the challenges of pregnancy and birth, managing PMS and menopause, preventing osteoporosis, and controlling weight gain.

This program is based on a series of simple exercises that:

  • Stabilize and maintain your energies
  • Protect you from negative energies
  • Determine what may harm your health
  • Support the body's healing process against illness

In this long-awaited follow-up to her bestselling classic, Energy Medicine, Eden speaks directly to women showing them how they can use Energy Medicine to tackle the specific health challenges they face.  Hormonal health is essential to a woman's well-being, and in this DVD Eden reveals that women can manage their hormones by managing their energies.

In fact, Energy Medicine is beneficial in treating a host of health issues.  From PMS to menopause, from heart disease to depression, Energy Medicine offers solutions to health issues that traditional medicine often fails to provide.  Energy Medicine for Women is an indispensable health resource for women.


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